Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year- New Plans

Here we are in the New Year and Ray and I have some very exciting plans afoot. We are going to start farming. I have no idea how all of this came about- I guess just a natural progression..... from buying food in the grocery store and not know or caring where it came from... to wanting to eat healthier, wanting to know who grows my food, and being concerned about our enviroment.
We have plans and ideas about what we want to do, but the first thing we need to do is find land to lease. We are already farming our 1/4 acre suburban home with rabbits, chickens, and a large-ish garden, but we would like to step it up a notch and produce a majority of our food for our family. By growing in a larger garden I hope to have enough vegies to can, so we can eat our own produce throughout the winter season. We are planning on raising our own chickens and rabbits for meat, and we should be getting our own eggs from our back yard hens next month.
I have been reading everything I could get my hands on about small sustainable farming. I took a class on farming from a local successful farmer, and plan on attending a conference on organic farming this month.
So I plan on changing the format of this blog from crafty to farming, with our adventures, here at the house and on the "farm" when it comes into being. I will still be crafting and creating, and I may even show some things here, but it probably will not be my main focus. I hope you will stay and enjoy our journey.

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